Daniel Cain
Pittsburgh PA USA
Team National Rank16843.65625
Player National Rank22428.859375
Andy Dykstra
Canonsburg PA
Team National Rank16843.65625
Player National Rank18533.984375
Match 1
Main Draw, Round of 32
19Cain - DykstraC10
Sat CSC8:006-4, 6-4
20Kalkman - Smith
Kalkman - Smith 
Match 2
Consolation Draw, Round of 16
C9Kleeman - MoyerCR4
Sat CSC9:007-6, 6-4
C10Cain - Dykstra
Cain - Dykstra 
Match 3
Consolation Draw, Quarter-Final
 Cain - Dykstra
Sat CVCC1:001-6, 6-0, 1-0 (10-5)
 Harris - Schneider
Cain - Dykstra 
Match 4
Consolation Draw, Semi-Final
 Cain - Dykstra
Sat CVCC2:306-3, 7-6
 Duvall - Guthrie
Cain - Dykstra 
Match 5
Consolation Draw, Final
 Lowe - Wojtkowski
Sat CVCC4:006-2, 6-2
 Cain - Dykstra
Lowe - Wojtkowski 

This team has no more matches.

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