Club: 201-261-5500
800 Soldier Hill Road, Oradell NJ 07649
Saturday, March 30, 2024
9Bond - DraperC5
Sat HGC8:006-4, 6-4
10Scura - Vaska
11Curley - Sorota
Sat HGC8:006-3, 6-2
12Low - SiegelC6
13Forma - UsherC7
Sat HGC8:007-5, 6-3
14Bender - Riley
 Scura - VaskaR3
Sat HGC9:156-2, 6-2
 Curley - Sorota
 Bender - RileyR4
Sat HGC9:156-7, 6-2, 1-0 (10-4)
 Donohue - Monte
 Curley - SorotaQR2
Sat HGC10:306-4, 6-2
 Donohue - Monte
R3Scura - Vaska
Sat HGC10:307-5, 3-6, 1-0 (10-8)
R4Bender - Riley
 Low - SiegelCR2
Sat HGC10:306-4, 6-4
 Forma - Usher
CR1Lobo - Ottenheimer
Sat HGC1:306-4, 5-7, 1-0 (11-9)
CR2Low - Siegel
 Kim - Wong
Sat HGC1:307-5, 6-1
 Hack - James
 Lobo - Ottenheimer
Sat HGC3:006-1, 6-0
 Foley - Willke

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