Douglas Mainwaring
Kennett Square PA USA
Matt Mainwaring
West Chester PA USA
Match 1
Main Draw, Round of 32
21Gottfried - Soule
Sat MCC2:006-1, 6-2
22Mainwaring - MainwaringC11
Gottfried - Soule 
Match 2
Consolation Draw, Round of 16
C11Mainwaring - MainwaringCR6
Sat MCC3:30
C12Rightnour - Salam
Rightnour - Salam 
Match 3
Consolation Reprieve Draw, Quarter-Final
CR5Halligan - Porter
Sat MCC5:006-1, 6-2
CR6Mainwaring - Mainwaring
Mainwaring - Mainwaring 
Match 4
Consolation Reprieve Draw, Semi-Final
 Mainwaring - Mainwaring
Sun WCC9:006-1, 7-5
 Rinehart - Torchiana
Rinehart - Torchiana 

This team has no more matches.

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